Friday, September 20, 2013

Feline Friday: Bad Kitty Returns.

As most of you probably know, years ago I did a short series of "Bad Kitty" paintings.  These depicted an angry gray cat wearing an e-collar (or cone, if you prefer) that was up to no good.  Each piece was inspired by my own cat's trials of dealing with the monstrosity of the e-collar after having surgery on his ear to remove a hematoma.  With the monstrous cone around his neck he had difficulty maneuvering, eating, bathing, getting into the litter box and just basically being a cat.  The weeks that followed the surgery were filled with guilty amusement at his expense.  Poor guy.  He recovered, the collar was removed and things went back to normal. 

I've recently been contemplating adding on to the "Bad Kitty" collection.  This new sketch was inspired by the unsuccessful attempt Mr. E made at eating after bringing him home from surgery.  The collar was so big that it stopped him from being able to reach his head down to his food bowl.  He ended up unintentionally scooting his food bowl around the kitchen floor with the edge of the collar just trying to get a little snack.  I had to rig up a special feeding station that he could get the cone around and that put his food at a height that his face could reach.  It took a lot of trial and error, but we got it figured out.

My style has evolved a bit since the original series of paintings, thus Bad Kitty has gone through a slight evolution in the way it is drawn as well.  Don't worry, though.  He still has the e-collar and the bad attitude.  He wouldn't be Bad Kitty without them!  Happy Friday!

Bad Kitty sketch,  ©Geri Shields, 2013 

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